
How is technology impacting literacy?

In the post-pandemic world, learning, technology and electronic devices are internally linked. With virtual classes being supported in almost every learning institution, A far cry from most parents and teachers are asking: how will technology impact the literacy rate among students?

A far cry from new

Technology in learning and virtual classes are far from a new trend. Distance learning courses have been available since the 1980s. There is significant proof showing that distance learning is just as successful as traditional learning. The same can be said for virtual classes. The impact of technology on the literacy rate is positive, and there are several benefits of integrating technology in traditional learning methods.

How has technology improved learning?

  1. Differentiation:

Different students understand and learn topics at different paces. When you integrate technology in learning, the teachers can differentiate easily among students. They can determine which student requires extra help and which doesn’t. They can then customise resources and help to help the student further.

  1. Promotes reading

Traditional learning requires students to scroll through the library and borrow books. Or they have to find the right topics in their textbooks. This task is often boring and demotivating. With technology, students can read through a variety of mediums. Instead of sticking to digital textbooks, students can view videos, short notes and even PowerPoint presentations. All of these promote reading.

  1. Promotes creativity:

Creativity is one of the most important benefits, and it is often overlooked. Teachers can give projects focused on technology: create a PowerPoint presentation, make a video, draw a graphic, etc. These promote creativity among students and ensure they learn something new by creating the project rather than copy-pasting from books.

Technology can enhance learning and literacy rate. However, you can’t do this without carefully planned integration. While there are some disadvantages of technology in learning, the best solution 

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Written by Technologist

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